Bridal Details: The Mrs. Box

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I’ve had my eye on The Mrs. Box for quite a number of years. The history of my obsession probably dates back to when I first started secretly pinning engagement rings to private Pinterest boards. It was only natural to reach out to them once Cam and I got engaged so that we could work together and I am so excited that I did.

The Mrs. Box speaks for itself. It is a uniquely designed ring box, available in 44 hues of velvet and fully customizable by adding foil or engraved initials, monograms, crests, and custom designs to the lid. Each box is handcrafted with gorgeous, sparkling velvet in so many colors, you might not even know where to start. The team at The Mrs. Box is on hand to guide you through selecting the perfect shade with their concierge service to make your specific ring pop, whether gold, platinum, or whatever beautiful bauble you might be sporting. The boxes come in 5 different sizes depending on whether you want room for one ring or two or you prefer a beveled or straight edge. Once glance at their Instagram and you’ll be hooked.

My Custom Ring Box

To be honest, I had a really hard time selecting my final design. Initially, I was in love with the neutral and light tones and probably added 5 different custom designs to my cart by the time I figured out what I really wanted. I pretty much ended up with the polar opposite of my initial design in the end.

I chose the Ellington Bevel Double with a Polished Gold metal engraving of Style 6. I love the grandeur of the royal green color and I love the way it pairs with the gold and ornate details of my ring. Ring boxes are often a great way of styling your engagement and wedding bands for wedding flatlay photographs so it is smart to select a color that compliments the colors of your wedding. Although I have not 100% nailed down coloring for our day, I know there will be greens and neutrals involved, so I have no doubt this will work beautifully.

When my custom box arrived in the mail one week after I placed the order, my jaw dropped. It’s so beautiful and precious. The box is beautifully packaged in another branded box of it’s own, perfectly polished metal, and ready to love.

What do I need a ring box for?

Although captivated by their beauty, when I actually was given a ring for a ring box, I immediately wondered why I would even need that… since I don’t plan to take my ring off. What do I really need a box for?

Wedding Flatlays

As I mentioned above, this is a beautiful way for your wedding photographer to style your weddings rings. Photographers usually like to create a small vignette with the wedding invitation, the bride’s shoes, and any other special pieces of the day to photograph. Maybe you don’t want to spend the money yourself, but you can add it to your registry or if you know of someone who might love this heirloom, gift it as an engagement or shower gift. You can add a custom wedding crest from your invitations, your initials, signature, wedding date, or monogram. It is a beautiful way to customize these photographs for the future.

For When You Actually Need to Take It Off

One of my many flaws is my affinity for hiding important things in dumb places. On the night of my sister’s rehearsal dinner, she gifted me a beautiful pearl ring. I took the ring I was wearing off my finger, placed the new ring on, and threw the old (but still expensive) ring in my obscure wedding purse of choice…. Found that ring 5 years later. I truly hope that I would never do that with my engagement ring. But perhaps you are a gym rat or you are traveling somewhere slightly dangerous or you’re going for a swim or you’re doing the dishes and your Grandma is watching you… you should have a safe place to store your rings. Not in a drawer, the bottom of a purse, a pocket, or who knows where….Also buy ring insurance.

Because It’s Special and It’s Your Wedding

I have been getting really choked up every time someone gives me something with ‘Smith’ or an ‘S’ on it and the same goes for when I ordered my box with my soon-to-be-new last initial on it. Wowee this is an exciting time. I’m only getting married once, this is a time of my life that I have looked forward to my whole life and even more so when I was just dating Cam, and gosh darn it I am going to do. it. up. Buy the ring box. Order the shirts that say bride and groom. Tell every hotel that it’s your honeymoon. I’m all for it.

The Mrs. Box would make such a wonderful Christmas gift for an engaged girlfriend or your fiance that you’ve already proposed to or even someone who has been married for a long time. A unique and exquisite gift like this will surely spread holiday cheer.



The Mrs. Box gifted me a custom ring box in exchange for my honest review & publicity. 

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