Friday Favorites: Volume 3

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Happy Friday everyone! What’s the 411 for the weekend? Cam and I are driving home to Carlisle, PA to visit with his fam. I am really looking forward to being in the peaceful countryside and relaxing. It’s a bit quieter there than here in Philly… far from middle-of-nowhere, but the tranquility is a bit more palpable in central PA.

In other news I cannot believe it is already August. Just a few more weeks and we will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary in Mexico. Wow! I am slightly nervous, as the world seems to be changing a bit over the last few days, that new restrictions might be put in place, but I am really looking forward to being beachside with a few tropical drinks and my husband. Are you ready for fall or still basking in the summer sunshine? I prefer to hold onto Summer until the last possible second.

Finally, check out the stunner in the picture above. Cam and I just purchased this Vespa Scooter for bopping around the city. It’s so dang cute and we named it Meatball! lol the color is Espresso Brown…  Since I now know a lot about scooters, this is a 150 cc which makes it powerful enough for a passenger, but also requires a motorcycle license for two riders. Cam has his permit and is practicing for his license test in the next few weeks, so I need to pick out my sparkly champagne helmet and then I’ll get to join him! We watched Roman Holiday last night to really up the romantic vespa vibes around here.

And now for some links from around the web…

We just started watching a show called Alone on Netflix. Fascinating! Highly recommend. We started on Season 7 since that’s all they have listed but found Seasons 1-6 on demand. Planning to save those for the fall & winter, if we can resist!

I shared this dress on my Instagram the other day. Can’t wait to wear it!

I made this banana bread recipe as part of a housewarming gift… opposite of a Pinterest fail. IT’S SO GOOD! I do recommend ripening the bananas in the oven or waiting for totally brown bananas. Makes it even better.

The comments on this… My answer? Eggs! In any form.

How do you feel about the athletic dress trend this summer? I think it’s super cute and fun. I would love to transition it for fall with a sweater tied around my shoulders and some platform high top sneakers and scrunchy socks.

I set a goal to walk at least 2 miles every day in August. I am on a 6 day streak! It’s a totally attainable goal and I’m excited to keep it up! Why don’t you join the challenge?

Go girl!!!!

The faux-birkenstocks I’ve been wearing all summer. I will also be wearing these with scrunchy socks come fall 🙂

I bought some of these for my Dad for Father’s Day. Great gift when you don’t know what to do!

A recent blog post of mine has really blown up and I have sold a lot of the items I linked. I think it’s pretty unique and helpful for brides-to-be; I couldn’t find anything like it when I was engaged!

Best Photos from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Abercrombie is having a sale on jeans and I am very tempted by this style.

This Pinterest photo has been on my mind for a few weeks. Such a sound way to make decisions.

I recently became a Threads brand ambassador; a cute local boutique from the suburbs of Philly. You can use JOJO10 for 10% off your purchase!

Also you can use MYDARLINGJOJO10 for 10% off Safe + Fair. So yummy!

That’s all I’ve got for ya this week! Have a wonderful weekend.



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