Bringing Home Design: Souvenirs From My Travels

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For 8 months, the “Home Decor” tab on my blog has sat empty. But today that finally changes… I grew up in a very design-focused house. My mom is an interior designer and my dad works in the construction industry and is a very skilled carpenter. Anytime my mom had an idea, she would draw it on a scrap of paper and it would pretty much always come to life! These projects ranged from a wood cutting board, to a coffee table, to a greenhouse in the backyard, to a pool room in the basement. I have a huge list of blog topics related to home design but I’ve had a hard time leaping in to it on my blog because, to me, there is a huge difference in my mind between a pretty space with all the right colors and patterns and ship lap and a lived-in home with pieces of the inhabitants’ life, coziness, and belonging. Can you capture all of that in a photo? The feeling of a home? That’s what I want to share with you, but it’s hard. Can y’all just come over and hang instead? 😉

If you walked around my house with my mom or dad, they would tell you “we found that dresser on the side of the road in the trash”, “we fit that chair in the overhead compartment on the airplane”, or “we built that together the first year we were married”. There are so many stories and memories behind each piece. Not everyone has the same design sense or interest in scavenging for the funkiest antique pieces, but I think everyone can relate to traveling somewhere new and wanting to bring it all home with you. You don’t have to lug a piece of furniture on the plane to savor the memories of your travels by infusing it into your home decor.

Over the last few years, I have done a bit of traveling each year to new and exotic places. Nothing compares to the thrill of traveling when you need some inspiration in your life. The two most recent and memorable destinations I have seen this most recent year were Tulum, Mexico and Arizona. My sister and I always talk about how we wish we could have 5 different homes to decorate in 5 totally different ways. If I had even two homes to my name, I would make one a Tulum wonderland and the other would be a southwest style ranch, complete with horses running by, of course.

Tulum Home Design Inspiration

Tulum is like no where else on earth. Every hotel, restaurant, and shopping bungalow just “gets it”. It is so design-y! The baskets, light fixtures, clothing, furniture, rugs…..everything is just perfect! One of my favorite decor pieces to spot there was all the different types of hanging basket style lights. They were so funky and I hadn’t yet seen anything like it in the U.S. This is one of those destinations that I wish I could recreate somewhere much closer to home.

I was able to bring home a massive macrame dream catcher that is hanging over my bed to remind me of the dreamy times I had in Mexico. But I am even more excited to start seeing this style of decor pop up in home stores across America more and more. My mom always said to us that all of design is interpretation and reinterpretation. When you travel, take pictures of your favorite things and bring home a brain full of your own ideas on how to make them a part of the aesthetic of your space! Interpret them to your own style. For this post, I partnered with Joss & Main to pull together a wish list of products to recreate some of my most favorite places right at home. Scroll through some of my Tulum inspiration and see my Joss & Main picks below! All of the most stylish pieces for a first apartment, new home, living room, or cozy bedroom! Dontcha just want to jump into all of these photos?

Joss & Main | Tulum, Mexico Style

These are my favorite Tulum inspired pieces at Joss & Main right now! Give them a click and peruse their great selection. Can you see these gems in your home? I think this seagrass basket (on sale for $16) would make the best shoe storage spot. I can totally see this wicker table in a boho style living room! Can I have it all?

Arizona Home Design Inspiration

And now for a totally different style! Howdy partner! Arizona was a perfect mix of modern and western; simple and crazy patterns. These two styles can be integrated so easily, which I love. I drew a lot of inspiration from our sleek Airbnb, the patterns and textures in the roadside stores and restaurants that we found, and of course, the plethora of cacti around every bend. The patterns of our Pendleton blankets, found at our most rustic Airbnb, just captured the beauty of the Arizona sunset and rocky landscapes so perfectly. In my “second home”, I would have a big Chesterfield leather couch over a patterned western rug with large animal antlers on the wall behind. Scroll on down for some more inspiration from the awesome southwestern collection at Joss & Main!

Joss & Main | Arizona Style

Have y’all ever seen Ralph Lauren’s cabin in Colorado? Well that is pretty much my dream, so here is our start to make that dream come true! Can you believe this pastel rug is on sale for $50? I want to put these lights everywhere for summer!

Proudly Particular

I was watching TV the other night (this is rare) and I saw a new Benjamin Moore commercial and it reminded me of something I love about design. The commercial talks about perfection, choosing just the right shade of white for a room when they all look sort of the same, having an eye for design. It praises people who are particular. The narrator says, “Every nice thing was made by someone particular. Be proudly particular.” I’ve talked about this before on my blog, but God values excellence. And creativity! His is particular. God created us to be creative and He shared His capacity for creativity with us when we were created in His image. We can honor Him even in the way we decorate our home, with skill and precision. Excellently. When we travel, we get a taste of God’s world and God’s people that we don’t get to see regularly and that inspires us! If it was all the same, there wouldn’t be any souvenirs to bring home 🙂



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  1. This is stunning! I’m with you, girl. Whenever I need an extra inspirational boost, travel is the perfect fix. I’ve never visited either Arizona or Tulum, but maybe sometime soon! I love how you compared both and shared your photos (so pretty). Great read!


  2. Love the tulum style! I really wanted to bring home all of greece when I went for my home! It truly is the best souvenir!
    Sarah Lindner

  3. Tulum is on my travel bucket list – it looks absolutely gorgeous! Such pretty home inspiration!

    xx Mollie

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    1. Hi I am going to Tulum Soon, could you tell me where this place is, I’d love to buy a hat

      From Amsterdam