How to Whiten Your Teeth at Home with Smile Brilliant

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Oh you’re in for it with this blog post! We are gonna talk about one of my favorite topics…teeth. (what? yuck? ew. you’re weird) Well maybe it’s not my favorite, but if you could do one of those word maps for the most frequently discussed topics in my life, teeth would be somewhere near the top. You see my life has been one long dentistry phenomenon. After discovering that I had fused teeth as a child, needing braces twice, creating a large gap for future implants, wearing a retainer with fake teeth on it to fill the gap, finding out I couldn’t get those planned implants due to a strange fissure in my jaw bone, and then finishing it off with a 4-tooth bridge…. 11 years later… I finally have teeth that I love!

When Smile Brilliant approached me about trying out their at-home teeth whitening kit, I had to do my research first! No way no how was I going to do something stupid to my precious teeth. (Oh my gosh I’m so weird, I’m sorry!) And if my research proved that it was safe, I wanted to really test out the product for the recommended length so that I was giving you all the true review that you deserve. Read on to find out all about the easy process and to see my results! There might just be a giveaway at the end too šŸ˜‰

The Science of Teeth Whitening

Your teeth are like sponges. Anything that you eat or drink that has color can be absorbed into the pores of your teeth over time. (Think coffee, wine, smoking) Teeth whitening gel that actually works, absorbs into your teeth and pushes those stains out of the pores that they came through originally. One of my biggest concerns was that this would damage the enamel of my teeth or make them really sensitive. In this case, sensitivity is temporary as the tubules of the enamel are opened (called dehydration) and then resealed after the stains have been extracted. These stains will be removed over time, imagine how many years of coffee, food stains, and wine are stuck in there. No teeth whitening process can be instant.

The myth of sensitivity from teeth whitening really comes from whitening strips. That bleaching method actually strips the enamel off your teeth, causing a lot of pain over time. The whitening gel from Smile Brilliant uses a strictly stain-removal method, which causes no damage to the enamel. You can read more about the science behind teeth whitening. Obviously, because you are reading this blog post, I decided to give it a shot!

The Smile Brilliant Process

This could not be a more simple process to follow. Once you place your order, you will receive a kit with mold putty and trays, whitening gel, desensitizing gel, and lots of detailed instructions. I selected the sensitive teeth system for average stains. You make your molds (easy), send them back in the pre-paid envelope (sweet), and wait 1-2 weeks to receive your custom fitted whitening trays! And now you start the fun part! I tried to whiten every day or every other day and did it for about 3 weeks. You will see results after 7-14 applications, I saw them pretty immediately. I wore the whitening gel for about 1 hour each day and immediately followed it with the desensitizing gel for 15 minutes. I experienced absolutely no sensitivity issues during or after the process and I have very sensitive teeth.

The Pros of Smile Brilliant

  • It works! My teeth are noticeably whiter and brighter. All I need to do now is a few applications each year to maintain the results.
  • It’s cost effective! Smile Brilliant is 70% cheaper than a system you could find at your dentist. Studies show that at-home, lab direct whitening systems are similar if not more effective than laser whitening, which can also cost anywhere from $500 to $1000.
  • It’s custom! The trays created from my molds fit me perfectly and the system catered to my sensitive teeth concerns.
  • It’s so easy! Each night I could pop in the trays and go about my normal routine. I didn’t have to sit still, trying to keep my lips from touching the nasty paste on my teeth, etc.
  • It’s safe! I have experienced no negative side effects from using this product.

Before & After Results

Now for what you’ve all been waiting for….a close up of my face. But seriously look at those results! I am so excited to start my summer off with whiter, stain free teeth! One thing to note, I could only whiten my top teeth because of the bridge I have on my bottom row of teeth. Implants, bridges, or any dental device will not whiten along with the rest of your teeth. Bonus Tip: if you need any of these types of procedures done, whiten your teeth beforehand so that your dentist can match your fake teeth to the color of your whitened teeth.




All White Everything

Try Smile Brilliant at Your Home

I am so excited to be including a giveaway for this product as I am truly a believer now! All you have to do is enter your name and email address at the link provided below. The winner will be selected and contacted via email 2 weeks from now. The giveaway is for $149 credit and is open to USA, UK, Canada, and Australia. If you have any questions at all about how the teeth whitening process works, feel free to drop a comment below. I would be happy to help you decide.

Enter to win a $149 value Smile Brilliant kit!

Use my discount code for 10% off your Smile Brilliant order: MYDARLINGJOJO



Home Teeth Whitening

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  1. Iā€™m glad you had a great experience with them! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love Smile Brilliant! I used the kit about a year ago and it made such a difference with my teeth!


  3. I really need to invest in this kit before my wedding! Gotta have my brightest smile for the big day, of course!

  4. This product sounds amazing! Always looking for new ways to whiten up my teeth!

    xx Mollie

  5. Wow, Smile Brilliant really made a difference on your teeth! I may need to look into this home whitening brand to save a few bucks!